23-24-25 Nov 2017, Antwerp (BE)
Feeling so much love from you guys, it simply was overwhelming! We are honoured to have such an amazing audience, dedicated speakers and of course an A-team of enthusiasts to make these waves crash into each other naturally. 🌊
- Aaron Duffy,
- Aixsponza,
- Analphabetics,
- Animography,
- Anita Fontaine & Geoffrey Lillemon,
- Arne en Freek,
- Bart Van de Wiele,
- Base Design,
- Beyond.io,
- Boldtron,
- Builders Club,
- Cedric Engels,
- Creative Belgium,
- Delta,
- DIA,
- Dries Depoorter,
- Echolab,
- Elmø,
- Eltipo,
- Felipe Pantone,
- Ferry Gouw,
- Flanders DC,
- Foam Studio (by Zeitguised),
- Food Cabinet,
- Hansje van Halem,
- I Love Dust,
- Industry Uncensored,
- Ines Cox,
- James Veitch,
- Jan van der Veken,
- Jeroen Erosie,
- Jonathan Zawada,
- José Cabaco,
- Leta Sobierajski,
- Mario Hugo,
- Marshmellow Laser Feast,
- Matt Lambert,
- Maxon,
- Mode2,
- Much,
- Neville Brody,
- NikeLab,
- Pablo Lozano,
- Raphaël Cruyt,
- Romain Colin,
- Ronny & Johny,
- Saiman Chow,
- Sam Vanallemeersch,
- Sarah Poot,
- Sehsucht,
- Serial Cutâ„¢,
- Simon Holmedal,
- StayNice,
- Ste Curran,
- Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck,
- Studio Feixen,
- SX,
- The Mill LDN,
- Tim Lahan,
- Tom Tosseyn,
- Toothtaker,
- Toykyo,
- Tyrsa,
- Victor Robyn,
- Wade Jeffree,
- WeShouldDoItAll,
- White Noise Lab,
- Woestijnvis,
- Zware Jongens.

Even more photos on our Facebook page!