26-27-28 Sep 2019, Antwerp (BE)
Still catching our breath after these 3 nights to remember! No words! We feel the UBN family is growing so naturally, it makes our hearts warm! This 4th edition brought almost 3.000 unique people on their feet. From all over the world (48 countries to be exact), you were loud in actions, words, feelings. So grateful, so energised!
- Ada Sokol,
- Alex Trochut,
- Alice Isaac,
- Animography,
- Anthony Harrison,
- B-architecten,
- B-bis,
- Buck,
- Camille Walala,
- Caterina Bianchini,
- Cecilia Poupon,
- Chris Schmidt,
- Chuck Anderson,
- Cornelius Dämmrich,
- Dines,
- Drieke Leenknegt,
- Echolab,
- Emma Thyssen,
- Ezra Miller,
- Femke Huurdeman,
- Fisk Gallery,
- Gary Card,
- Gert Voorjans,
- Gilles De Brock,
- Glenn Frey,
- Google Mobile UX,
- Grilli Type,
- Hassan Rahim,
- Helen Kirkum,
- Ibrahem Hasan,
- Insa,
- International Magic,
- Jonathan Castra Alejos,
- Karan Singh,
- Kelly Anna,
- Kwok Fung Lam,
- La Boca,
- Lab101,
- Leslie David,
- Lukas Kaiser / Westbrook,
- Macie Solar-Sala,
- Mode2,
- Na Kim,
- Nicole Mclaughlin,
- Pär Heyden,
- Peter Eszenyi,
- Raphael Rau,
- Rob De Winter,
- Roosje Klap / Ark,
- Rosanna Webster,
- Ryan Jefferson Hays,
- Sebastian Curi,
- Selam X,
- Serial Cut™,
- Shane Griffin,
- Shawna X,
- Simon Friedler,
- Six N. Five,
- Specific Generic,
- Studio Amos Fricke,
- Studio Dumbar,
- Studiopepe,
- Sucuk & Bratwurst,
- The Rodina,
- Tim Van Helsdingen,
- Toykyo,
- Tyrsa,
- Wang & Söderström,
- We Are Various,
- WeWantMore,
- Wieden+Kennedy AMS,
- Wieger Poutsma,
- Will Macneil,
- Yarza Twins,
- Zeyne Porbay.
Check our Facebook page for more pictures! Photos by Daniil Lavrovski.